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I packed my suitcase for India on December 24th 2015,and it’s still waiting until I arrive in India to be completely unpacked. Right now ,January 27th 2016 ,I’m not sure what day I will actually arrive in India,it’s looking like a little over a month.I have questioned once or twice if I should just fully unpack it already to find things easier,but I honestly can’t bring myself to do it. That suitcase being fully packed and ready to go signifies Iam saying yes and committing to go and plant churches,bring healing and sit with Jesus wherever he asks me too. Even if my funds are low and a million things seem like they need to fall into place I’m trusting the promise that was given to me forever ago will and is coming to pass!

I have recently been reminded (like a trillion times)the story of Abram waiting for his promise from the Lord. (Genesis 17)He didn’t know when it would happen! When he would finally become the father he has desired. His deepest longing to be fulfilled. Whenever I read this story different parts speak to me at different times. Every time I read this,something within me awakens and hears the lords voice. But it’s not always the same verse. For awhile it was the idea of receiving the promise. Which is comforting and beautiful.I  genuinely can relate to Abram every time I hear this story. How he felt loved and cherished that such a promise was waiting for him,yet frustrated and impatient he is still waiting.

But recently it’s this portion of Ishmael being birthed.In fact that frustration and impatience was what birthed Ishmael. Nothing about the promise had a timeline,It was simply trusting in obedience and listening to Abbas voice. But Abrams impatience caused disobedience and division among the family and people surrounding him starting from ishmaels birth. As humans we want to do in our own ability! But often our doing to see the promise is the very thing that delays the promise and shows were not spiritually ready to embrace the responsibility and trust required to walk in the authority of the promise.If we as humans were to seek and trust and wait on the Lord we wouldn’t be so focused on what’s not happening the way we expect.

So the question that follows such awakening from the father is ..ok God am I trying to birth an Ishmael in my life right now? What is it that I’m trying do without you instead of bring before you?How can I surrender my expectations instead of put them on God or others?

Trust me ,as I type this I’m still learning the process of being and trusting for what I know will come in the moment divinely set. I know Gods promise for me to go India and work with woman and children is something he placed in me way before I realized it. My role isn’t to fix or figure out why my promise isn’t happening when I expected. My role is to be with him, wait on him and abide(John15:7). To obey where he tells me to ask when he says ask and listen to his voice. To know that the Lord will (and is) fighting for you,you need only to be still.(Exodus14:14)


Financial UPDATE:  I have $650. coming in monthly now PRAISE the Lord and thanks to all my supporters.

MY goal is $1,500 a month. I still need donors to give monthly thats what my percentage is based on.

You can support me on the link on this site by clicking support me on the left handside!! If you have any questions email me please- [email protected]


Jenna Martin

This blog for Jenna Martin is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.